Speaker 3 – Dr. Cathal Gurrin

The third speaker of the afternoon was Dr. Cathal Gurrin who is a lecturer in the school of computing at DCU and an investigator in the insight centre for Data Analytics. Did you know? The iPhone 5 is 60,000 times more powerful than the computer that guided the Apollo 11 astronauts to the moon. In […]

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Speaker 4 – Eoin Cruise

The next speaker on stage was Eoin Cruise who is the Market Lead and head of Microsoft Mobile Devices in Ireland. Eoin joined Nokia in 2004 and was there for 10 years before moving to Microsoft and has been working in mobile for 20 years. Eoin Cruise spoke about Microsoft’s acquisition of Nokia in which […]

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Speaker 5 – Paul Davey

Paul Davey was next up. Mr. Davey is a mobile technology consultant and a mobile leader for a company called IBM (International Business Machines) in Ireland. IBM has over 400,000 employees around the world and is the inventor of the ATM and swipe card. It has been in Ireland for 50 years, employing over 4000 […]

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