Speaker 4 – Shay Garvey

The final speaker of the day was Shay Garvey, the founder of Frontline Venture Capital.

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Shay Garvey gave a brilliant presentation on how the business world has changed dramatically in the last 10 years or so. He told us that the average age of the CEO of a business in the 90’s was in their 40’s. Nowadays, he average age of CEO’s are aged 30 and under.


All of these new innovations and developments in technology has caused a dramatic productivity gain for businesses. However, despite all of these great innovations, there are also some problems that come along with it.

Many high skilled jobs have been replaced by computerisation and have caused many people to become redundant. It has been said that any routined jobs are in trouble, these include the likes of accountants and technical writers as they can easily be replaced by technology. Variable jobs are the ones with a longer term value.


For businesses to succeed, all they need to be is 2% better and they can own the market for that period. All of the successful companies you see today, are far better than those who were considered successful in the previous years do to this advancement in technology.

I loved this presentation. I enjoyed learning how businesses have changed over the years and I also liked the small tips of advice he gave us throughout the talk.

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