Speaker 3 – John Massey

The next speaker up on stage was John Massey. John is the EMEA business development lead at SAP Ireland.


SAP Ireland currently has over 1650 employees with the average age of 34 and they have offices in Galway and Dublin. John Massey also spoke about cloud computing and how it impacts the day-to-day business.


Mr. Massey explained how cloud computing has affected their business. Cloud computing has caused them to rethink the people they have hired. Due to this new innovation, businesses are looking for people with some sort of IT skills. Anyone who they had already hired and does not have the basic IT skills would not have to be re-educated through extra training.

These new technologies are changing how they do business. John states that they do a lot more work through LinkedIn as a result. They also affect people’s ability to find jobs. When you have in your CV, the business can easily look you up online and learn more about the potential employee.


He also spoke about how nowadays, people don’t stay in one organisation. It has become ‘the norm’ for people to build up their skills in one company and then move on to the next.

Overall, I liked this presentation. I enjoyed learning how cloud computing and new technologies have changed how a business operates.

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