Speaker 2 – Richard Garsthagen

The second speaker of the afternoon was Richard Garsthagen, the EMEA Director for Cloud Business Development at Oracle.

Mr. Garsthagen spoke about the Digital Transformation that is currently taking place with the help of the cloud. He went on to explain what cloud computing is and what it can bring to us.

Richard began the talk by saying that he did not want people to talk about ‘the cloud’, he wanted them to talk about cloud computing, which I found quite amusing.

According to Richard, cloud computing is transforming the way or how we use technology. He went on to compare cloud computing to a restaurant in which anyone can walk in and ask for what they want. This means that the cloud is open to anyone who wishes to use it.


The reasons why we should love cloud computing is that it simplifies IT, is has re-engineered the economics of IT spending and it has accelerated and optimized business processes.

Cloud computing is considered a totally disruptive new way of doing business with many large companies putting this into practice such as Amazon, Netflix and Uber.

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I enjoyed this talk by Richard Garsthagen as I gained more knowledge about IT and cloud computing. I also liked how he gave us his opinion on what he thinks cloud computing is and how it benefits businesses.

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