Get Digital 2015

Get Digital took place in The Helix in DCU in Dublin on March 14th 2015. This was the final mini conference of the year. In attendance were DCU’s first year DICE students and several other business men and women.

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This time around, the conference was only 2 hours long  (4pm-6pm) with 4 speakers:
1. Mary Maloney CoderDojo
2. Richard GarsthagenOracle
3. John MasseySAP Ireland
4. Shay GarveyFrontline Venture Capital

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From 2pm-4pm, each DICE team had to present our research posters on Cloud Computing and how it could improve our apps which we created in semester 1 in the Helix itself. Each team stood beside their posters while a number of judges walked around asking each team questions on the poster and the idea behind it.

Overall, the presentation and the conference was both nerve-wracking and enjoyable. I liked how the overall theme of the conference tied in with the themes of our research poster presentation in which we got to present our view on what cloud computing is and how it may benefit us and that we had the opportunity to sit and listen to the speaker’s views on cloud computing and how it may or may not help them.

I have discussed each speaker in detail in the following posts.
As always, photos from this conference can be found on the blog’s Instagram page: @DICE_Conferences_2014

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