Get Started 2015

Get Started took place in The Helix at DCU in Dublin on February 17th 2015. This was the third out of the four mini conferences overall. In attendance were DCU’s first year DICE students and several other entrepreneurs.
images-4 The conference consisted of 5 speakers and an innovation panel.
1. Niamh Bushnell
2. David McKernan
3. Innovation Panel:
Richard Stokes
Ronan Furlong
Eoghan Stack
4. Kealan Lennon
5. Seán Ahern
6. Paul Kerley
speakersAgain, the conference was four hours long (2pm-6pm). Although I am not sure whether I would like to be an entrepreneur and set up my own business in the future, I definitely enjoyed this conference and gained plenty of insight and knowledge about this topic. I have discussed each speaker in detail in the following posts.
startPhotos from this conference can be found on the blog’s Instagram page:

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