Speaker 3 – Dr. Cathal Gurrin

The third speaker of the afternoon was Dr. Cathal Gurrin who is a lecturer in the school of computing at DCU and an investigator in the insight centre for Data Analytics.
cathal gurrin

Did you know?
The iPhone 5 is 60,000 times more powerful than the computer that guided the Apollo 11 astronauts to the moon.

In the past ten years, oral communication devices have changes rapidly. In 3 to 4 years time, we will look at our current devices the same way we look at the Nokia phone today, which is crazy to think, but it is true.
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Dr. Gurrin spoke about Wearables or Wearable Technology which was introduced in 2012. He spoke about Google Glass, which is a smart eyewear that has a camera for sight, a microphone for hearing and computer vision and artificial intelligence.

We were told that Google Glass can take photos and tell you what is in it and understands what you are looking at, where you are and what you are doing which I found quite captivating.

Cathal Gurrin also spoke about Personal Lifelogs which includes using mobile devices to automatically record everything you see, hear, do, feel etc. They create a complete and accurate picture of an individual by collecting hundreds of terabytes about their life.

According to Dr. Gurrin, in one year, they can collect over 2 million wearable camera images and hundreds of thousands of hours of audio. In short, these Personal Lifelogs are personal search engines for your life experience and are completely private.

I have to admit this talk was one of my favourite out of the six for the Get Mobile conference. As I have said in the previous blog post, I have a great interest in new technology so I was mesmerized by what Dr. Cathal Gurrin had to say about these wearables.

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